Bags2School - Blue Bag Scheme
Bag2School collects good quality second hand adults and children`s clothing, sheets, blankets, curtains, soft toys, shoes, belts and handbags. All items collected are for RE-USE. Periodically we send out a blue plastic bag in every child's book bag for you to fill and return to school. We are then paid by weight - currently 50p per kilo.
Just before half term we had our third Bag2School collection (Bag2School, a company that collects good second-hand adults and children's clothing, sheets, blankets, curtains, soft toys, shoes, belts and handbags and then pays for it by weight. )
Thanks so much to all of you who supported us by bringing in your filled BlueBags, and to the parents and children who helped get the bags up from the basement with our incredibly efficient "human-chain". What a team! (Three cheers again for Mr Reeve for storing and carrying down every bag)
We hope you agree this is a great (fairly painless?!) way for us to raise funds
NEXT DATE WILL BE on September 25th 2013 - please keep sorting and saving for us.
Thanks so much to all of you who supported us by bringing in your filled BlueBags, and to the parents and children who helped get the bags up from the basement with our incredibly efficient "human-chain". What a team! (Three cheers again for Mr Reeve for storing and carrying down every bag)
We hope you agree this is a great (fairly painless?!) way for us to raise funds
NEXT DATE WILL BE on September 25th 2013 - please keep sorting and saving for us.